Afmælismálþing SOPHIA

Dagana 1.-3. nóvember næstkomandi halda evrópusamtök barnaheimspekinga (SOPHIA) upp á 20 ára afmæli sitt með fjölbreyttu málþingi. Nánari upplýsingar mál lesa á ensku hér að neðan og á heimasíðu samtakanna.

SOPHIA – European Foundation for the Advancement of Doing Philosophy with Children
Network meeting 1, 2 and 3 November 2013 in Amsterdam

Birthday party
SOPHIA is the European Foundation for the Advancement of Doing Philosophy with Children. Founded 1993 in Amsterdam we celebrate SOPHIA’s 20th anniversary.

The general theme of the meeting is DIVERSITY referring to differences in ethnicity, religion, age, DIVERSITY
sexual preferences, ways thinking and being, and in the tradition of SOPHIA: ways of doing philosophy with children.

Program general
Friday 1st of November there will be a public day for everybody (inside and outside of SOPHIA) with workshops where people present what they do, did, created, wrote etc. On Friday there also will be a whole day SOPHIA mini-course to introduce people who are interested into the field of PwC (by SOPHIA board members).
Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd will be the official SOPHIA network meeting. The character of those days is that members of SOPHIA present what they do and are willing to discuss with a ‘critical friend- attitude’ with colleagues their practise. Don’t hesitate to become a member, everybody interested in doing philosophy with children is welcome. If you, as member of SOPHIA, want to do workshops/presentations send a mail.

The three days have also cultural elements. And there are plenty of high standard cultural things to do and see in Amsterdam. See Program details
The meeting Friday will start 09:00 and will end Sunday around 18:00. The meeting will be in the centre of Amsterdam in two old buildings of the Protestant Diacony, next to The Hermitage Amsterdam.
Van Limmikhof (main building) en Corvershof (hall for plenary meetings)
Nieuwe Keizersgracht 1A 1018 DR Amsterdam

For people who want to participate on Friday it is € 80. The SOPHIA network meeting on Saturday and Sunday is – as always – low-costs. That means you have to be member (and have already paid € 25 for yearly fee) or have to become member. And we ask € 15 organisational fee. Everybody has to pay for their own travel and stay. Relatively cheap joined lunches, dinners will (probably) presented, you have to pay for those extra as well as for cultural events. For the three days (including SOPHIA membership and organisational fee) we ask € 120 (again exclusive travel, stay, food and drinks).

We have some suggestions for cheap stay in Amterdam, see Stay. And Transport information.
We hope to have informed you with this enough at the moment to plan to come, register and buy your tickets. Bring as many people with you as you can. We hope to have a wonderful, interesting, exciting meeting with many people from Europe to create a stronger and even more interesting European network of people interested in and doing Philosophy with Children. Let’s give it a boost.

Don’t hesitate to write if you have questions!
Organisational committee, Edu Dumasy Ed Weijers