Námskeið í Riga, október 2013

Dr. Catherine McCall auglýsir námskeið í Riga næsta haust. Námskeiðið er styrkhæft hjá Evrópusambandingu. Í skilaboðum frá Catherine segir:

Dear International Colleagues,
EPIC International Consultants are running EUaccredited courses in Art Philosophy and Logic for intergenerational groups inLatvia 2013 -2014.
These courses teach Introductory Philosophy and basicLogic as well as investigating Art and Philosophy.
If you are interested please go to:
and search for course reference number
Europeans can apply to your National Agency for aGrundvic grant to cover all the costs of attending these unique courses.
EU National Agencies 
Please note – the next round of Grundvic funding for autumn 2013 has an April deadline!
Dr.Catherine C McCall