Sumarið 2014 verða ýmis námskeið í boði fyrir þá sem vilja kynna sér aðferðir í heimspekikennslu og dýpka færni sína á þessu sviði. Þau námskeið sem heimspekitorgið hefur frétt af eru þessi:
6.-7. júní, Riga í Lettlandi: EPIC international Workshop, aðalkennari er Catherine McCall. Nánari upplýsingar verða uppfærðar um leið og þær berast.
27.-29. júní, Laval University í Quebec í Kanada: NAACI Weekend Workshop Retreat. An ideal opportunity to spend a weekend dialoguing with fellow philosophical practitioners!
This workshop retreat is geared toward experienced philosophical facilitators and practitioners who want to deepen their understanding and use of the Community of Philosophical Inquiry (CPI) model in an informal, collaborative retreat atmosphere. During the workshop participants will engage in CPI sessions together with the help of guest master-facilitators, explore best practices for facilitation in different contexts and extend the discussions on CPI applications sparked during the NAACI conference. More information and registration at the NAACI website.